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Thursday, October 2, 2008

BUM Game

Here's how to play.....
Match the bum to the name, if you are right, you win a free vinyl saying.
Bum #1

Bum #2

Bum #3

Bum #4

Bum #5

Aria - Lindsey - Brenda - Nichole - Shar


Tolman Family said...

1. Lindsey
2. Shar
3. Aria
4. Brenda
5. Nicole

The Enloe Family said...


Becky Gray said...

There is absolutely NO way I am playing this game... I have no idea and am to afraid to guess..

Naoni said...

I'm with Becky on the not guessing. But can I still buy some vinyl?? Seriously this is like the question, of "honey do I look fat in this" He can't win no matter his answer!

Tolman Family said...

When will you announce the WINNER of this game? It's me, right?